One of the most powerful trends in today’s fast changing world is the fact that businesses and their leaders are confronted with an increasing interdependency between organization and stakeholders. As a result, the traditional role of a business as a “profit maker” is challenged more than ever: good business performance is more than profit-oriented financial performance. Sustainable performance requires effective checks and balances within the organization and attention to transparency and social responsibility externally.
There is a trend to shift power from the inside to the outside of an organization, revolutionizing boardroom culture and priorities. As external stakeholders have more of a say than ever in how business leaders are to run their businesses, these leaders are required to demonstrate through their actions and decisions that their business forms an integral part of society. The links between Corporate Governance practices and business performance are strengthening. Good corporate governance therefore, is about developing, maintaining, monitoring and controlling corporate
structures and procedures to ensure that accountability, transparency, fairness and responsibility are embedded in the corporate decision making process. It is a system of “checks and balances” designed to find a sustainable equilibrium between the interests of the different stakeholders of the organization (shareholders, management, employees, customers, society at large).
Our services in Corporate Governance include:
1. Optimizing Board Organization and Board Capabilities: Co-development of a most effective board and board committee organization, using best practice examples.
2. Enhancing the Reporting on Corporate Governance: Co-development of a most effective Corporate Governance report as part of the Annual Report or any other public reporting. Providing assurance that such reporting matches the needs of applicable regulations and best practices.
3. Benchmarking with Best Practices: Providing assurance on whether your company meets best corporate governance practices in all relevant geographies and markets.
4. Optimizing Audit, Risk Management and Other Control Functions: Enhancement of the coordination between the audit, risk management, compliance and other control functions.
5. Regulatory Scan: Providing assurance on a global scale on whether your organization has the necessary structures and processes in place to comply with laws and mandatory regulations.
Mali Markala Sugar Project is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agribusiness project in Mali, comprising both – agricultural and industrial components. Markala Sugar Project has two main entities – CaneCo, which works in agriculture field; and SoSuMar, and industrial plant.
CaneCo will establish a 14,132 ha irrigated cane estate in Markala, which is 275km northeast of Bamako, on the north bank of the Niger River. It is planned to produce 1.48 million tons of sugar cane per annum. The project will support community development as well.
SoSuMar, the industrial component, comprises a sugar mill, ethanol plant and power co-generation facility. The mill will have a cane crushing capacity of 7,680 tons per day at full operating capacity, producing 190,000 tons of sugar per annum. The sugar will be traded on the domestic and regional markets. The ethanol plant will produce 15 million lt. of ethanol per annum, while the co-generation facility will produce 30 MW of electricity per annum.
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